Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A little Introduction...

A little Introduction- 

Hello there, humans of the internet! My name's Yoyo and I'm currently 15 years old. I was born in a small island named Taiwan, and was raised in New York and now I'm back in point A after 11 years. I plan on finishing my last 3 years of high school in Taiwan and going back to the States for college. I'm a history dork who also happens to have a real passion for traveling. I love different cultures and seeing the world differently. I find it fascinating how someone like me could be living their lives so differently right now and I want to discover more. I love diversity because there's a reason God created us all so differently. 

My friends and I on my 15th birthday.

My lunch group!

Playing around with effects with my best friend!

Hanging out with my best friends!

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